Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanks to Robert Kiyosaki's and Donald Trump's comments

Why Do You Recommend Network Marketing?
Robert Kiyosaki's Answer:
When I first heard about network marketing, I was against it. But after opening my mind, I began to see advantages that few other business opportunities offer. Long-term success in life is a reflection of your education, life experience and personal character. Many network-marketing companies provide personal development training in those key areas.
Most schools train people for the E or S quadrants, and that is great if those are the quadrants in which you want to spend your life. Most MBA programs are training students for high-paying jobs in the corporate world as an E, not a B.What if you're in the E or S quadrant and you want to change? What if you want to be in the B quadrant? Where do you find the education that trains you for that quadrant? I recommend a network-marketing business. I recommend the industry for people who want to change and get the necessary skills and attitude training to be successful in the B quadrant.
Being an entrepreneur and building a B quadrant business is one of the toughest challenges a person can take on. The reason there are more people in the E and S quadrants is simply because those quadrants are less demanding than the B quadrant. As they say, "If it was easy, everyone would do it."
Personally, I had to learn how to overcome my self-doubt, shyness and fear of rejection. And I had to learn how to pick myself up and keep going after I failed.
These are some of the personal traits a person must develop if they are to be successful in a B quadrant business, regardless of whether it is a network-marketing business, a franchise or an entrepreneurial startup.
An important personal skill required for any B quadrant business is leadership. Are you able to overcome your own fears and have others overcome their fears in order to get the job done? This is a skill the Marine Corps taught me. As Marine Corps officers, it was imperative that we be able to lead others into battle, even though we were all terrified of dying.
I meet many people in the S quadrant, the specialist or small business owners, who would like to expand, but they simply lack leadership skills. No one wants to follow them. The employees do not trust their leader or the leader does not inspire the employees to better themselves.
As mentioned earlier, Forbes defined a big-business owner, a B quadrant business owner, as a person who controls a business with more than 500 employees. This definition is why leadership skills are vial for the B quadrant.Where could you find a business that will invest the time in your education, your personal development and building your own business? The answer is: most network-marketing business.
Building a B quadrant business is not an easy task. So you need to ask yourself, "Do I have what it takes? Am I willing to go beyond my comfort zones? Am I willing to be led and willing to learn to lead? Is there a very rich person inside of me, ready to come out?" If the answer is "Yes," start looking for a network-marketing business that has a great training program. I would focus less on the products or the compensation plans and more on the education and personal development program the company offers.

A network-marketing business is a B quadrant business because it meets several criteria I look for in a business or investment. Those criteria are:
Leverage: Can I train other people to work for me?
Control: Do I have a protected system that belongs to me?
Will the business allow me to be creative and develop my own personal style and talents?
Expandability: Can my business grow indefinitely?
Predictability: Is my income predictable if I do what is expected of me? If I am successful, and keep expanding my business, will my income increase with my success and hard work?
Isn't Network Marketing A Pyramid Scheme?
I am often asked if network marketing is a pyramid scheme. My reply is that corporations are really pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below. The following is an example of a typical corporate pyramid:

Compare that to a network-marketing business system:
A true network-marketing business is the exact opposite of a traditional business model. A network-marketing business is designed to bring you up to the top, not keep you down at the bottom. A true network-marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people up to the top.

Additional Points Worth Mentioning
The following are some other points worth mentioning:
Tax breaks increase. By starting a network-marketing business in your spare time and keeping your regular job, you begin to gain the tax advantages of the rich. A person with a part-time business can take more tax deductions than employees can. For example, you may be able to deduct car expenses, gasoline, some meals and entertainment. Obviously, you need to check with a CPA for exact rulings on your situation. And the cost of your CPA is tax-deductible. In most cases, an employee cannot deduct CPA expenses. In other words, the government will give you a tax break for advise on how to pay less in taxes.
Meet like-minded people. One of the advantages I had is that my friends also wanted to be in the B quadrant. When I first started out, most of my E quadrant friends thought I was nuts. They could not understand shy I did not want a steady job or a steady paycheck. So an important part of becoming a B is to surround yourself with other people who are Bs and want you to become a B.
Give yourself time. It takes time to be successful in any of the quadrants. Just as it takes time to climb to the top of the corporate ladder as an E, or become a successful doctor or lawyer In the S quadrant, it takes time and dedication to become successful in the B quadrant. It took me years before I built a successful B quadrant business.
Network-marketing companies are patient. One of the beauties of a network-marketing business is that it will invest in you, even if you are not successful.

In the corporate world, if you are not successful in six months to a year, you are often fired. In the network-marketing world, as long as you are willing to put in the time, most companies will work with you in your development. After all, they want you to get to the top.
Leverage the systems that are already in place. These systems are already tried and proven, which allows you to hit the ground running instead of trying to build the internal system of a new company.
In conclusion
After opening my closed mind, I could finally see some of the unique benefits the network-marketing industry offers people who want more out of their lives. Generally, it costs much less to get started in a network-marketing company than to build a business on your own.
-Robert Kiyosaki
Donald Trump's ResponseMarketing is a powerful tool, and network marketing can increase that power, provided you are self-motivated. In a simple visual, see a product and then remove the advertising agency from it. It is up to you to do the marketing and advertising. That's a big job, but it can be done if you are passionate enough to get it going on your own and to jeep the momentum and motivation going at a high level. It requires an entrepreneurial spirit, and that means focus and perseverance. I do not recommend network marketing to people who are not highly self-motivated.

Another important aspect of network marketing is that it is inherently social, so if you are not a social or outgoing person, I'd think twice about going into it. Sociability is a requirement. Just like in advertising, there's no point in having a fantastic advertising campaign if the product isn't equally fantastic. Also keep in mind that if you decide to become a distributor, you will be legally responsible for the claims you make about the product, the company and the available opportunities. But above all, make sure the product is worth your energy and total devotion. Otherwise, you could be energetically spinning your wheels. Robert mentions the importance of going beyond your comfort zone when it comes to network marketing. He also mentions giving yourself enough time. These are good points to consider. I would also agree that having leadership qualities is critical for success. You definitely have to have a take-charge, can-do attitude. As with any other undertaking, know everything you can about what you're doing before you begin. Network marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income, and the challenges could be just right for you. There have been some remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product combined with timing. As with so many issues we have discussed before, there are tangibles and intangibles involved, but success is not a total mystery, and that applies to network marketing as well. Most people have heard of focus groups, a research tool that advertising agencies use when they are testing a new product. They will go out to different locations and simply ask everyday people what they like and don't like about a new product. Its best if you can keep the focus group idea close at hand when you are deciding about a product. Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else will. Finding a common denominator in product appeal will matter.My nutshell advice about network marketing is to do your research and then put everything you've got into your product. Genuine enthusiasm is hard to beat, and the odds will be with you. -Donald Trump
Debasish Dutta+91-9748354306

Entrepreneurship is an ATTITUDE not any Amateur

Network Marketing and Direct Sales - a Powerful Combo for Serious Entrepreneurs
If you've done your research, you've probably found that many so-called "home based business opportunities" are in the network marketing industry and essentially involve some form of direct selling. There are, however, many businesses that revolve around multi-level marketing models, and those are quite different primarily due to the compensation structure (how you get paid). By finding a business that enables you to leverage the benefits of both network marketing AND direct sales, you will find that your ability to build substantial income streams from your home office in a relatively short period of time is much better.
So how is it that someone can leave the traditional business world, have the luxury of working from home, and earn a six or seven figure income, and not have to worry about the hustle and bustle of traffic, office politics and managing employees?
A Brief History On Network Marketing
For thousands of years, successful business people goods and services at the lowest price possible and sold them at the highest price for maximum profit. In the old days, haggling over price was expected in the negotiation process and the transaction culminated in a handshake deal which left both parties, give or take, mutually satisfied. This simple process of transferring goods and services was most lucrative for the small minority of entrepreneurs who knew the secret to success: network marketing!Although the concept has been around from the very beginning of trade, the network marketing industry as a recognized industry has only been around for a few decades, and the explosive growth this industry has been experiencing has been phenomenal for both the companies and the entrepreneurs (distributors). So what is network marketing?
Network Marketing Defined
Very simply, network marketing leverages the concept of developing a Network of like-minded individuals who, together, market various goods and services to others. The power of a network is actually scientifically proven to have a compounding effect on various factors of success. This is primarily due to the two primary components of any network: the node and the link.
For example, in a telecommunications network, the basic "network" is comprised of nodes and links that work together to transfer communication around the globe. The larger nodes tend to have more traffic, which is primarily due to the fact that they have more links connecting them to other nodes.
Another example: The human mind is an interrelationship of knowledge structures, which is essentially a network of nodes and links. When you think about money, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is an image of a $100 bill and maybe the second thought is what that $100 can buy you, let's say a dinner for two. "Money" is one node, the image of that $100 bill is another node, the dinner for two is yet another node, and they are all interconnected by links (associations). If you know more about money than you do about dinners, then your "money" node is probably larger than your "dinner" node and therefore you're most likely going to have more associations with money than with dinner!
To bring this concept back to network marketing, if you create links with other like-minded people (ideally, other serious entrepreneurs who want to build successful million-dollar enterprises), then your income will grow in proportion to the number of links you have. Furthermore, your income will also be significantly impacted by the number and size of nodes that you're linked to (that is, the caliber of entrepreneurs you're working with). It is this very fundamental worldly and scientific concept that this industry is build on.
So how does direct sales fit into the picture?
Direct Sales Defined
The direct sales industry is a bit more direct (no pun intended). Quite simply, direct sales is the process of selling goods and services directly to the end consumer. Your favorite brand of soda is probably not distributed via direct sales because it is first sold by the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the wholesaler to the retailer, and then from the retailer to the consumer. But if you were to come up with your own brand of soda and then use distributors to sell your product directly to consumers, then you'd be leveraging direct sales. You'll notice that many companies use this model all over the world.
"One-Two Punch!" A Powerful Combo
If you are a boxer, and your left hand is network marketing and your right hand is direct sales, which hand do you think your trainer would instruct you to use more often in the boxing ring? Whichever is your stronger hand? No, both! Why? Because it's the most efficient and productive combination for success.

You see, there are a few companies in North America that have built their organizations from the ground up on top-tier products and have embraced a distribution model that takes the best of network marketing and direct sales and blended the benefits of both into a win-win Business opportunity professional business owners.

Top-Tier Business Opportunities Blend
(1) Excellent products that have strong demand in their respective marketplaces(2) A powerful compensation plan that rewards entrepreneurs very well for their efforts(3) A duplicable system that helps the entrepreneur eliminate 90-95% of the different
variables that cause most startup businesses to fail
(4) Training and support via a community of other successful entrepreneurs who are
willing to share their secrets to success in the business. I've underlined that last part for a very good reason: this is the critical variable that is hardest to find. But if you do find it, hold on because you are going to enjoy the ride!
To wrap up, Network Marketing is the basis for explosive growth in your business. Direct sales is the mechanism by which you will earn the most income, primarily due to the fact that there is no middle tier in the distribution chain to suck out a large chunk of the profit margins. Find a company that can provide you with the benefits of both models and you will find the most efficient vehicle for building up to a millionaire status within next 3-5 years.
Final Thought
Do your due diligence before selecting a Home Business. You want to find a reputable company that has top-tier products that are stand alone , has an excellent compensation plan, offers a supportive community to help you build your business, and has industry leaders building their businesses with this organization (this shows you that the best of the best are there, which means you probably are selecting a very good organization to work with).